Key-Visual der Ausstellung "World Press Photo 22"

World Press Photo 2022

Exhibition | accessibility.time_to


The exhibition “World Press Photo 2022” presents the best press photographs from last year from around the globe. In total, over 64,000 images from 4,000 photographers from across the world were entered. The subject matter covers everything from environmental disasters to the coronavirus pandemic and the storming of the Capitol in Washington. This global review of 2021 includes around 120 images and allows for calm consideration of the events which pass by quickly in the media from previously unknown perspectives and for critical reflection.

Blog articles


Spotlight on world affairs

published on 4.5.2022

Swiss Press Photo 2022 | 6.5.2022 - 26.6.2022
World Press Photo 22 | 6.5.2022 - 6.6.2022

The National Museum is showing the best press photographs from Switzerland and around the world, allowing visitors a contemplative glimpse behind the headlines.

Press photographers are the eyes of the global public. In the two exhibitions “World Press Photo 2022” and “Swiss Press Photo 22”, the best global and national press images of the past year are on display. The exhibitions allow visitors to step outside the usually frenetic pace of world events and take a moment to quietly contemplate them, to observe and reflect on these events from new and unfamiliar perspectives.

While “Swiss Press Photo” presents around 90 pictures in the existing categories of News, Daily Life, Swiss Stories, People, Sports and World, the format of “World Press Photo” has changed this year. To avoid too much emphasis on Western perspectives, the competition has been reorganised into six regional qualifying rounds. These regions – Africa, Asia, Europe, North and Central America, South America and Southeast Asia / Oceania – now have their own jury, which selects the winners for each region. The winners are then judged by a global panel, to select the four overall winners.

There has also been a change to the categories in the “World Press Photo” exhibition. There are now only four categories, but they are thematically open: single-exposure photographs (Singles), stories made up of 3-10 single-exposure photographs (Stories), projects on a single theme containing between 24 and 30 single-exposure photographs (Long-Term Projects), and the new category Open Format, which allows a mixture of photographs with various media such as illustrations, videos, animations or music. The exhibition presents around 120 photographs from the winning projects.

Photos and further press material on Swiss Press Photo are available at

Photos and further press material on Words Press Photo are available at

National Museum Zurich press contact

+41 44 218 65 64


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“World Press Photo 2022” is an exhibition of the World Press Photo Foundation: